Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Let's watch a video titled 'Pennies for Peace'.

Synopsis of the video:
The video is about a man’s vow to repay his Pakistani hosts by building a school in the village which later turned to his quest to teach children the rewards of sharing and working together to bring hope and educational opportunities to children in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

A penny in the United States is virtually worthless, but in Pakistan and Afghanistan a penny buys a pencil and opens the door to literacy.

Session 2 Outline:
What can you do? - Analysing
Education versus Poverty - Analysing
Strengthen your claim - Evaluating
Take action - Creating

Bloom's Taxonomic Level: Analysing

Activity 4: Creative Problem Solving using Mindmapping

"How can we, as Primary 5 pupils help children in third world country to receive an education?”

1. Each group chooses 3 possible solutions to explore.

2. Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of adopting the solutions.

3. Finally, decide on the main course of action. One representative from each group will key in their responses in Inspiration Template 2.

Activity 5: Data Analysing using Spreadsheet

"You will play the role of Greg Mortenson, Central Asia Institute co-founder and you believe that through education, the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan will be able to move out of poverty."

You are writing to Singapore schools to support the Pennies for Peace programme.

1. To support your claims, you are to search for data on Singapore's literacy rate and average income over the years, create bar graphs and draw conclusions from the patterns observed to support your claims.(Your facilitator will give your group the EXCEL template to do the above)

2. After you have done your analysis, one member of the group will state at least three observations to support your group's claims that education is a means to bring people out of poverty (Post your response on your group blog)

Bloom's Taxonomic Level: Evaluating

Activity 6: Commenting using Blog

A school principal replies to your letter and agrees to support your programme but hopes that you can submit another proposal as the data on literacy and average income are insufficient.

In your group, brainstorm and discuss what other data can be used to gain support for this programme and post it on your group blog. Your post should include:

1. Data to be used

2. How you would present the data

3. The reason(s) for choosing the data

Your suggestion will be evaluated by another group.

Next, you will look at another group's blog for their suggested data. Evaluate their suggestions and state the reason(s) for agreeing or disagreeing with the suggestions. Key in your comments using the 'Comments' feature of the group blog. oup.

Bloom's Taxonomic Level: Creating

Activity 7: Podcasting using Podomatic

1. In groups of 4, create a short 4-line jingle to persuade the public to donate to the 'Pennies for Peace Campaign'.

2. One group member to post the four-line jingle in your group blog.

3. Every participant will view other groups' jingles on their respective group blogs before voting for 1 best jingle (each person can vote once only) on the poll in the workshop blog.

4. The winning group will be invited to record the jingle and upload as a podcast.

Handout 16: Guide to set up Podomatic account

Handout 17: Podcasting Rubric

Sample of an Oral recording and a Digital Story podcast

Online Surveys & Market Research

Lesson Design

In your group, design a lesson idea incorporating one of the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and at least 1 digital activity. Refer to Handout 11: ICT Lesson Design Checklist in your discussion.

The following information should be provided:
- Subject
- Level
- Topic
- Learning Objectives
- Sequence of Activities
- Resources

Post your lesson idea on your group blog.